Martin; Laurie T. ; Williams; Malcolm V. ; Bharmal; Nazleen ; Lopez; Christian
RAND Corporation
Last Update
Health Sciences ; History ; Business
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA)¹ laid the groundwork for a substantial increase in the number of people who have access to health insurance through Medicaid expansion or health insurance marketplaces.² During the first openenrollment season, states used a variety of strategies to reach out to and enroll newly eligible people. Typically, federal and state funding was used to develop navigator programs in each state. The design of these programs differed by location,³ and, although many stakeholders were involved in these efforts, state and local health departments (LHDs) were, and remain, a relatively untapped resource.⁴ This is somewhat...
See MoreBeyond Bars, A Path Forward from 50 Years of Mass Incarceration in the United States
Current and Projected Characteristics and Unique Health Care Needs of the Patient Population Served by the Department of Veterans Affairs
Deregulierung - eine Herausforderung an die Wirtschafts- und Sozialpolitik in der Marktwirtschaft.
The Ayes Have It, The history of the Queensland Parliament; 1957-1989
How Insurgencies End
The Downfall of the American Order?